Well, I guess Labour noticed the Lib Dems then

I got this attack leaflet through my door yesterday:

A Labour campaign leaflet comparing the Lib Dems to the Tories
A Labour campaign leaflet comparing the Lib Dems to the Tories. Page 2.

I know it’s an election, and all parties do this sort of thing, but I really with they wouldn’t. Anneliese Dodds is a good candidate, and while I’m unlikely to vote for her, this sort of mud slinging only makes me less likely to.


Got this through mine Friday. Completely agree (with Will). This sort of tactic will only make me less likely to vote in that direction (pretty unlikely at this stage anyway), and while I can see why they used headlines the fact that its a political pamphlet quoting handpicked media sources doesn't do anything to add to its argument, IMO.

byrn's picture

Most of the quotes in this 'smear' letter make me want to vote LibDem more... I'm not sure yet what I'll vote, but it won't be Labour.


Aserash's picture