National Novel Writing Month is every November. The aim is to write 50,000 words in a month. Last year, I got up to 26,000 on an Icar story. This year, I'm going to try again. It was a challenge and lots of fun. It starts tomorrow. I just want to see how far I can get.
Anyone fancy joining in?
More info: http://www.nanowrimo.org/
Me: http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/178865
So some assistance, here are the number of words you have for each day:
Nov | req | |
1 | 1666.667 | 1666.667 |
2 | 1666.667 | 3333.333 |
3 | 1666.667 | 5000 |
4 | 1666.667 | 6666.667 |
5 | 1666.667 | 8333.333 |
6 | 1666.667 | 10000 |
7 | 1666.667 | 11666.67 |
8 | 1666.667 | 13333.33 |
9 | 1666.667 | 15000 |
10 | 1666.667 | 16666.67 |
11 | 1666.667 | 18333.33 |
12 | 1666.667 | 20000 |
13 | 1666.667 | 21666.67 |
14 | 1666.667 | 23333.33 |
15 | 1666.667 | 25000 |
16 | 1666.667 | 26666.67 |
17 | 1666.667 | 28333.33 |
18 | 1666.667 | 30000 |
19 | 1666.667 | 31666.67 |
20 | 1666.667 | 33333.33 |
21 | 1666.667 | 35000 |
22 | 1666.667 | 36666.67 |
23 | 1666.667 | 38333.33 |
24 | 1666.667 | 40000 |
25 | 1666.667 | 41666.67 |
26 | 1666.667 | 43333.33 |
27 | 1666.667 | 45000 |
28 | 1666.667 | 46666.67 |
29 | 1666.667 | 48333.33 |
30 | 1666.667 | 50000 |
by my calculations that's 1666.67 words per day. Tricky, if I can think of an idea I might give it a go.
Ah go on. It's a lot but the idea is just to get as far as you can. One day one of might hit 50k but it's work a laugh.
The average design document I hand in is about 50,000 words...can't really see myself doing two of those in a month...
I'll give it a go I can always give up a day into the thing ;)
We're off!
I've added you as a writing buddy this morning, EMW. Pete, it's only 50,000 words, not 100,000 mate. Are you a bit confuzzled perchance.
Let the adventures of Colin begin!
Yeah, but I have to do my job as well.
Oh I see! The confuzzlement is purely on my behalf.
Not for me at the moment. Too many things going on for that size of additional commitment. Maybe next year.
Oh one question I forgot to ask before signing up, do they have to be 50k different words?
It doesn't say, mate. Probably.
Curses that makes things more difficult ;)
30 days later, Matt's new novel comes out. Its the word "teh" 50,000 times. He spelt it wrong once, and copied/pasted it :-D
I'll probably win the booker for it ;)
Just got this in the email. Stirring stuff!
Dear NaNoWriMo participant,
When you sit down to begin that novel of yours, the first thing you might want to do is toss a handful of powdered napalm over both shoulders---so as to dispense with any and all of your old writing teachers, the ones whose ghosts surely will be hovering there, saying such things as, "Adverbs should never be...", or "A novel is supposed to convey...", et cetera. Enough! Ye literary bureaucrats, vamoose!
Rules such as "Write what you know," and "Show, don't tell," while doubtlessly grounded in good sense, can be ignored with impunity by any novelist nimble enough to get away with it. There is, in fact, only one rule in writing fiction: Whatever works, works.
Ah, but how can you know if it's working? The truth is, you can't always know (I nearly burned my first novel a dozen times, and it's still in print after 35 years), you just have to sense it, feel it, trust it. It's intu itive, and that peculiar brand of intuition is a gift from the gods. Obviously, most people have received a different package altogether, but until you undo the ribbons you can never be sure.
As the great Nelson Algren once said, “Any writer who knows what he's doing isn't doing very much.†Most really good fiction is compelled into being. It comes from a kind of uncalculated innocence. You need not have your ending in mind before you commence. Indeed, you need not be certain of exactly what's going to transpire on page 2. If you know the whole story in advance, your novel is probably dead before you begin it. Give it some room to breathe, to change direction, to surprise you. Writing a novel is not so much a project as a journey, a voyage, an adventure.
A topic is necessary, of course; a theme, a general sense of the nexus of effects you'd like your narrative to ultimately produce. Beyond that, you simply pack your imagination, your sense of humor, a character or two, and your personal world view into a little canoe, push it out onto the vast dark river, and see where the currents take you. And should you ever think you hear the sound of dangerous rapids around the next bend, hey, hang on, tighten your focus, and keep paddling---because now you're really writing, baby! This is the best part.
It's a bit like being out of control and totally in charge, simultaneously. If that seems tricky, well, it's a tricky business. Try it. It'll drive you crazy. And you'll love it.
Tom Robbins
Tom Robbins is the author of eight novels, including Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Jitterbug Perfume, and his latest, Villa Incognito.
1334 Words as of this morning.
3 off being leet
LOL, nice baron. I hadn't noticed that. Very witty, sir!
Word counts should be programmed to alert you if you're close to some convenient spelling thing, how cool would it be to have a novel out there the word count of which spells out something rude in leet speak or when held upsidedown.
I'm at 2108
only another 5900 to go then.
I might well have to aim to stop a day on that so it come up in the stats
If it were 5 million words you could aiming for 5318008
as it is 58008 is a possibility ;)
As of the end of lunch today: 7893.
Blimey it's tough. I am wondering if I should publish the WIP or just wait until the end.
I'm already behind well at the moment maybe I'll be able to catch up later.
I saw a few things on the forum when I was idly wandering around where people have finished already, must be people with a lot of time on their hands.
Finished already? Sod that! What kind of lunacy is that?
People with no jobs I guess
Had an imagination unload at lunchtime. 12269 at close of play today. Icar tonight so it's good that I'm ahead.
I've uploaded the script on google docs at:
It's tough going I was lagging behind a bit for the last few days but had a concerted effort to get back in the black and am up to 11478 words still behind but only just
only 189 words behind the daily target. If can manage a few more good days like that I can give myself a little elbow room.
19494. Damn! I'm behind all of a sudden. Crapnuts. It's incredible, I didn't do a lot over the weekend and now I've slipped. Today's lunch break is going to story driven lunacy.
I've been behind the last few days and still am I'm on 17202 had a push to catch up and made it so I was less behind.
[20070] Hey, that's really good going, EMW. Stay with me, mate. We need to support ourselves in this. I've made 20070 during lunch, seeing your 17k+ on Nano this lunchtime made me go into overdrive!
Oh, it would be cool to start your comment with the figure in square brackets, so it's easy to pick out the updates.
[19999]I could have gone one more word to meet the target for a the day but I figured this was better ;)
[24012] Had a bonza night tonight and have done a load of words. It's really beginning to hot up. I think the slow bit of the novel has passed now. I'm expecting it all to go to rat shit. Hopefully, I'll break the halfway mark tomorrow lunchtime.
Trying to get ahead for the weekend, which will make writing difficult.
Russia has just invaded the Ukraine. What will Colin think?
[20721] Had to do lots of testing on the ps3, naturally I took no fun from it. As a result only did a few hundred words.
That's great going, sir. I'm glad we've both made it so far. I hear that the 3rd week is the most difficult but if we keep ploughing on, I am sure we'll make at least 40 by December!
[33147] I'm trying to get ahead at the moment because I'm flying this coming weekend. There's only two weeks left and 20 thousand words to write! AAAAAAGH!
Kate has promised to read this drivel after I've finished. More fool her.
[23368] I'm way behind, too much stuff else to be doing really.
Ah, but you've done very well. Is it time to finish up the story and pass it round for a read?
It has taken over lots of bits of my life. I'm glad my roleplaying group is mostly buggering about at the moment, the content I have written is either useless or going to last me for months!
I'm not sure the people we're playing are capable of following the plot. Even if they found it, I think they'd lose it quite quickly ;)
Plot??? There's a plot??? To the tuesday nite game???
Last time, the plot got utterly lost down the back of the sofa with the 5ps and bic biro tops. It's nice to write a story the players can't ruin once in a while! ;-)
I think I'm going to secretly bury my story in a well then roll a big stone over the top of it and build a holiday home over it. Then some ten years from now a word document will some how burn itself onto the laptop of one of the people staying in the holiday home, that will tell the story in a disturbing fashion using cut together clips off of you tube. After you watch it the phone will ring and tell you your are going to die in a month or so and if you don't make a copy in that time the file its face covered by lost cluster strings will crawl out of the next pc screen you see and kill you with poor spelling plot holes and appalling grammar.
it's a winning marketing tactic, though it doesn't work as well now the telephone preference service is in operation. Even demonic undead spirits hiding in a storage medium of some description can't escape those guys.
I really want to read it now.
[25876] still a way behind
[38319] Had a stonking night last night, seemed to write a load and move the story into its closing run as it were. I think I'll probably make it, drivel that it is.
Keep going, mate. You might not hit the big 50 but you're cracking on towards 30.
[40319] On the home straight now. I might actually run out of words to complete the story, rather than run out of time!
[27513] Manage to get a bit more done, got GW tonight so that's probably it for the day.
[28417] 8 days to go 21583 word till 50k which is an average of 2697.875 per day doesn't seem likely but you never know.
[44313] On the home straight now. Just need to push on for the closing stages of the story. Good to see you're pushing onto 30K, now mate.
[31237] Had some fun incinerating someone so all that is left is a pair of severed legs burn off at the knees and turned someone else into a metal statue. I probably ought to think about an ending or something.
Christ! Your Nanostats page shows a story of a brave man ready to fight the good fight!
Nice one.
[37281] A lack of Mass effect means I had some time to do a bit of writing.