
Replacing Google Music

I've been using Google Music for years...I spent about a week while in Glenrosa ripping and uploading all my CD's across about 4 PC's, having all the CD drives whirring full-time, and I have/had a gloriously curated ~6,000 song/50Gb library of music. I've made a lot of use of the hybrid downloaded/streamed data model on my phone (I spend a fair bit of time out of network it holidays or cycling in the middle of nowhere).

WatchDogs Legion: Lundun init mate cor blimey!

Watchdogs legion the third iteration in the game series the open world hacking simulator which has always been a bit hit and miss with it's protagonist decided this time to just get rid of the protagonist entirely and go with procedurally generated characters you can pick from recruit and assemble into a team.

It was always a bold move for a game with a narrative to just dispose of the main character and rely on rando's and it is a weakness the lack of a focal point for the games story.

Well time to upgrade your car

When I got the Tesla model 3 I went for the Full Self Driving option which of course was somewhat speculative (end of 2019 at the latest said Elon ... still waiting on that :D) they've repeatedly changed what constitutes the "autopilot" as well as changing the cost (they are even talking about having it on a subscription model) and now parts of it come as standard with the base model with them offering things like enhanced self drive and full self drive packages for more cash at various points.

Sunday Night Gaming in atmospheric Los Santos

I definitely feel like we're having good times in Los Santos. Popping a good few caps into bottoms. The new missions were fun, I particularly enjoyed my air escort on the water bombing one. I liked that it didn't fail us because you went double chopper.

Thanks also for helping deliver my cargo. If, well, that was what you might call help.

We'll start with Big R's Super Yacht. It's not as super as EMW's, which has fucking neon and shit but it's more super than mine, as I don't have a yacht.

Meal kits and smart ovens

During the pandemic as a way to get food without having to go to the supermarket (especially in the early phases when we were seeing panic buying and shortages) I decided to try out one of these meal kit services. For those not aware meal kits are a sort of halfway house between prepared meals and just getting ingredients from the supermarket. They give you a set of pre measured ingredients to the correct portions for specific meals and then you prepare them yourself with varying degrees of effort required.

Cheap HDMI "Capture Card"

Like a lot of people, I've spent the last 3 months doing a lot of video calls/presentations/meetings etc. I'm quite lucky that I have a decent setup already (including a HD webcam, a Logitech C920)...however I've found that running OBS alongside multiple apps can give my laptop a hard time. What I'd like to do is run a second machine (I have a spare laptop), and then use that for the video compositing/output, and use my main laptop for doing actual work.