
Windows Tablet Games and Apps

So, 5 days into what will probably be 6 weeks without my primary hand, and I'm finding it a quite frustrating experience. I can't write, use a mouse (other than club-handed in my right hand), and a myriad of other common actions that you typically use both hands for (cutting up food being one. Fortunately most of my shoes have elastic laces...)

In order to try and get a modicum of productivity going, I've picked up a cheap Windows tablet PC

Revenger 55

Been looking for a small quad brushless quad for a while more power than a tiny whoop with proper brushless motors something like 2s power but still small and safe enough I feel happy flying it inside and around people.

There used to be a nice quiet area near the old office where I could get some flight time in but it's now pretty far away and also on the property of another company. So I've been keeping a look out. \

My Adventure in Kenshi - where I spend a lot of time beaten unconcious

I picked up this early access game called Kenshi which I had seen floating around a single player sandbox rpg survival game. Rockpapershotgun did a thing on it and it intrigued me so I gave it a go and found it a combination of compelling and frustrating.

It's one of these open ended affairs where you can do a lot of things and like those games it suffers from throwing you in the deep end. It has some ingame tutorials but they often miss out whole swathes of information.

Pirate Games

It was a while ago now, but I suspect we all remember Air Bucanneers, and the discussions around a pirate/steam-punk game that could come off it.

Seems like in teh next year there may be three, all with different takes on the concept.

Postcards from the Lack Of Minecraft Server

There's a place I call Evil Gorge, sandwiched between The Evil Mansion and the Enchanter's Tower. To the South is Disco and to the north is the glass mountain. It's such a cool (natural) place but has been ruined by Endermen over the years. It's also ruined by lag thanks to the up-draft of the melon farm. I decided to take the plunge during my lighting mission to tidy it up.

You can see some grass still propagating. The glass mountain is rather sad with the farms pushing through it. I'm tempted to take it down and give the farms some medieval shells.

Summer Project - Hydroponic Strawberries

Day 1

I've been wanting to try this for a while, and Ikea have made it a bit easier by releasing a series of items that allow you to create a DIY indoor hydroponics garden/farm. Last night I picked up a set of items that have allowed to start. The end goal is to have an indoor farm producing strawberries (A bakers favourite fruit...think jam!), though I'm starting a little smaller and more basic.

Excited for Minecraft update 1.12 - World of colour - out now

YAY! This is a great update for me.

First of all the colour palette of MC has been a bit naff for some time. Yellow wool has been a sort of sick colour. Well they've sorted that out, added patterned glazed terracotta (renamed from hardened clay) blocks and concrete (which acts like sand until it comes into contact with water). Beds can also be coloured now. YAY!