Goals for 2018
With Naomi being a bit less of a bellend and Felix settled into a pattern, it's time for a more solid plan.
With Naomi being a bit less of a bellend and Felix settled into a pattern, it's time for a more solid plan.
2018 is going to be a very strange year for me. There is one big item looming, and it’s going to have impacts across the board. While the rest of the world is focused on a wedding in May, key thing for me is to turn up to Hurley in October...mainly for Gill’s sake.
Recently everyone's favourite murder themed puzzle game Hitman released a game of the year edition along with a new campaign. This is part of the developers Io Interactive's break with publisher square enix such that they now own the hitman IP and are running the game independently.
It had looked like before the split up that io were going to be killed off and we wouldn't ever get season 2 of this supposedly episodic game.
The reboot of wolfenstein (The new order) was a pretty fun game nazi blasting at it's best running along blasting away duel wielding shotguns and machineguns blowing armor off mechanized nazis like confetti and then glueing to yourself was a fun time. It's story with an alternate 1960's where the reich won the war and dominated Europe and the US with their superior tech was fun too.
Since I've been grinding my way through research items burning large amounts of money to try and get the unlocks I want I've been playing a lot of GTA online in the week.
It seems like the hacker problem is worse than ever as almost every session I join seems to have someone hacking. Even ones that look normal and seem like they will be a good easy session to just quietly run some cars and the odd supply mission to keep research running ends up with some player bombing me and 10 other players all over the map at the same time then laughing about it in the chat.
It's NaNoWriMo time again and this year I'm going to give it a shot. 50,000 words in 30 days. I must be mental.
My goal over the next few years is to get a bunch of published novels onto Amazon and have some cash trickle in over the months; like I get for Icar via donation. If I am any good then it'll make a good pension pot or career diversion! It's worth a go. NaNoWriMo might not create a very good novel but it is practise in the art of finding a voice; and that's important.
So, we were going to have our garage rebuilt and kitchen extended sideways but now that's not going to happen. Not for a while at least. The cost would have been 70k and put up our mortgage by about 350/mo. All within reasonable limits but I recently ran some numbers (because I'm quite good at that) and:
Follow up to Shadow of Mordor the sequel basically extends the good bits from the first one (the nemesis system, the ranger abilities, riding various animals over orcs) and adds extra levels of depth ... and also loot boxes.
The game plays as an extended version of the original shadow of mordor which I was quite a good game the innovative nemesis system adding a layer of depth to the game that made it a lot of fun to play. In Shadow of war they've taken that a step further and added some new modifications.
There's a whole bunch of things in the latest update. In particular they have fixed the rovers. Worth another Sunday night look?