
Half Life 2

I've been playing Half Life 2 recently, since EMW bought the Orange Box and passed his HL2 and HL2:E1 licences to me... cheers mate.

The game is well done, pretty and plays well. The physics is nice. For reference, although a recent patch changed the default difficulty to easy, I'm playing on normal. Sorry, no funky screenshots like Pete's, thought about this while walking in.


I have return from the bonny north with pics a plenty and legs that have yet to forgive me. I will be in work most of the weekend but hope to have picassa etc... sorted out in the next couple of days, whence photos shall appear.

Multiple Choice: 1) a) Rock Band or b) Guitar Hero 3, 2) a) On Ps2 or b) Next Gen

I have a confession to make, I have been not so secretly spreading the guitar hero meme for over two years now, and it feels good. Every time I corrupt another soul with the dark fire of star power, bending their minds to the rock gods with promise of multipliers and whammie bars, I get a rush better than any drug known to mankind.

My first day cycling into work

I aimed to set off this morning at 07:30, giving myself a full hour to get there, get showered and sat at my desk as normal. I got all my stuff together the night before so that I could concentrate on just checking the machine over and getting started. I left at 07:28 and ploughed on up to the the Rushey Way, Beech Lane, Wilderness lane, Wokingham road and on.