
Firmware Upgrade Toasts My PS3's Bluray Drive or consoles 2 matt 0

So I finally get a new game to play on my PS3, picking have been slim so far Heavenly sword was OK but very short and there has been very little since. So I'm playing Ratchet and Clank which looks amazing really pixar movie in real time at some points, if my TV supported HiDef it would probably look even more amazing.

Hellrunner - Trail Running 101

This Saturday I did my first ever competitive off-road running race, a little event called HellRunner down at Longmoor Army Camp. For the un-initiated, trail running is a form of hardcore cross-country. Not only do you get the footpaths and small ditches, you also get steep climbs, water obstacles and other general things that more sane people will simply walk round.

The alluring whiff of gloss paint

As you may or may not know, I had the last week off work. I promised myself that I'd spend a few days bumming around and generally recharging my batteries, and then get to work on finishing off the games room (or second bedroom as probably everyone else would refer to it). After a few days of frenzied (well, moderate) activity the decorating part of it is done, much to my relief.

Life is good

When I started in business last september I was worried about a huge ammount.

Looking back now I'm amazed at how well its gone, this month I'm on target to have a very good month and its only the 1st.

Yes as usually I've landed on my feet, but there's no reason for me to knock that.

Life is good.

Rip off Britain

I've been looking at some of the new ultra portables coming along with interest. I have for a while been interested in getting a nice portable laptop for doing stuff on the move that doesn't require me to take out a second mortgage or sell some of my organs on the black market.